Golf: where to start?

Golf: where to start?

9 March 2021, 20:26
A source: ©
Golf is a game that often transforms into a lifelong hobby. Experts recommend not to get off a low start, but to act gradually.

In order not to throw golf clubs and golf balls after the first training session, it is recommended to start with classes with an instructor. The lessons should be consistent in mastering the techniques. If something doesn't work out, you need to go back to basics.

Classes with an instructor are a must for a beginner golfer. You should not only talk to experts when you have a problem. Success will show the teacher or senior friend that the beginning player is moving in the right direction.

During the first lessons, everyone wants to see the golf ball fly over the course and hit the hole. But in the early stages, it is better to refrain from using drivers - long-range clubs. After all, this can affect the swing rhythm skill.

It is recommended to start with wedges and short irons. Then you can go to the middle irons. And gradually get to the drivers. Consistency in the choice of clubs will ensure that the rhythm of movement and the level of muscle tension are formed correctly.

It is better for a beginner golfer to concentrate on short strokes. The distance in such cases is less than 50 m to the green. It turns out that half of the time allotted for training will be occupied by wedges and putters.

You can also train at home to improve your punching power and accuracy. For example, place buckets at the summer cottage and try to get into them.

Golf is a game that requires the utmost concentration of attention. Ability to analyze. If something doesn't work out technically, you need to go back to basics.

Recently OXO reported what a beginner golfer needs to know.
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