Fishing in the spring: what you need to know?

Fishing in the spring: what you need to know?

13 March 2021, 19:57
A source: ©
Fishing in the spring has its own characteristics. They must be taken into account when training camps after the winter break.

Experts advise paying attention to the size of the reservoir, the types of fish and the set of tackles. It is worth remembering about the cavernous March weather - cold weather, replaced by rare glimpses of the sun.

For spring fishing, it is better to choose large bodies of water. Active melting of snow leads to flooding of large and small rivers. The water of large reservoirs is well saturated with oxygen and large schools of fish rush into them.

It is better to use bloodworms or worms as bait. Any fish will bite on a jig, and large predators will bite on a small spoon. Sonars, echo sounders, fishing boats help to find a fish that is hiding in silt mounds under water.

In early spring, fish behave differently than in winter, summer or autumn. We need bait and bait. The fish is not as active as it will be later observed.

Going fishing, you should take a few fishing rods with you. Spinning rods are suitable for hunting predators. A fly rod for long casts, as well as a feeder rod, are universal.

As for the equipment, then one cannot do without high waders, overalls and a warm jacket. March weather is unpredictable, so you need to beware of hypothermia and accidental getting wet.

It is worth remembering that it is better to choose quiet places for fishing. Go fishing without noisy companies, focusing on future catch.

Following the simple recommendations of fishing experts, you can count on a good catch.

Earlier, OXO reported the secrets of fishing with a bow. All about bowfishing.
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