Scientists from the United States have developed material for devices that work on other planets

Scientists from the United States have developed material for devices that work on other planets

15 March 2021, 17:01
A source: ©
A group of American scientists have created a material that increases wear resistance on the surfaces of other planets. The development is intended for devices engaged in research activities.

Material is a nanosized carbide used as a lubricant. It reduces friction between parts and increases wear resistance when exposed to external conditions - surges in temperature, pressure, humidity.

The new material has a number of features. In addition to reducing friction, it is capable of conducting electricity. This allows it to be used as an energy storage device, sensor or optical electronics.

The chemists who created the material are confident that it can already be used for rovers. After all, it is these devices that are exposed to extreme conditions during operation.

The researchers conducted a series of tests to determine the capabilities of the new lubricant. Friction of a ball in a disc on a nanometer scale. Titanium carbide was applied to a silica-coated silicon substrate. Then, it was tested how the material withstands sliding on a diamond-coated steel ball.

All test tests were carried out in a dry nitrogen environment, which minimized the amount of moisture. Thus, it brought other planets closer to the extreme conditions.

In comparison with the work of analogs, the new material showed good results. After some modifications, it is planned to be included in the list of lubricants used for rovers. This will probably happen before the end of this year.

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