Wolverine: Google's mom is working on a secret project

Wolverine: Google's mom is working on a secret project

16 March 2021, 20:09
A source: © popmech.ru
Alphabet Corporation, Google's parent company, recalled its secret project. Information about the development of sound filtering technology has leaked to the network.

The project, launched back in 2018, is developing devices that will allow users to filter certain sound sources. In this case, ambient noise, in addition to the desired source, will be suppressed.

Almost three years later, the project is in its early stages. And there is no certainty that the finished device will ever see the light of day. Also, the developers assume that the appearance of the device for filtering sounds will be far from the prototype.

The project was named after the superhero from the Wolverine comics for a reason. After all, this creature possessed not only sharp claws and tremendous strength. But also with heightened senses - hearing, smell, vision.

By design, the device should look like a small hearing aid. Used in a crowd to identify the source of a sound.

It is noted that the prototype has already been demonstrated to the heads of departments. But there is no information about whether he was accepted or not.

It is assumed that the technology will be used for military and scientific purposes. In the first case, to develop sensitive radars, in the second - to study the possibilities of sound and noise cancellation.

It is possible that the Wolverine project is being implemented exclusively for the creation of hearing aids. They will be sent to medical centers or specialized organizations.

It remains only to wait for the official statements and presentation of the technology.

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