Cute and domestic - bright embroidery of a resident of India

Cute and domestic - bright embroidery of a resident of India

16 March 2021, 20:19
A source: ©
Anuradha Bhoumik, a resident of India, is engaged in home embroidery. The girl draws inspiration for her work in the environment.

On the remains of the fabric that Anuradha Bhoumik buys from textile factories, individual compositions and whole plots appear. Embroidery are distinguished by their brightness, warmth and soulfulness.

On the embroidery of the Indian woman, you can find the layout of cozy rooms, the decoration of chic baths, gardens with green spaces. Everything looks natural and cozy. Every stitch is soaked with something homey.

Anuradha Bhoumik begins his work with an idea. She stops her gaze on household items. Then he sketches on paper, cuts out the templates and transfers them to the fabric.

As for the selection of threads, here Anuradha Bhoumik approaches with particular scrupulousness. The girl is interested in warm saturated shades. Yellow, red, green. All colors are applied with heavy stitches.

According to the technique, the Indian woman prefers the smooth surface. The needlewoman, as a rule, moves from top to bottom, applying threads to the fabric from light to dark. If we consider the finished work in natural or saturated artificial lighting, then these transitions will be visible.

Anuradha Bhoumik leaves his embroidery in the hoop. The girl likes it when the embroidered drawings decorate the walls in the form of paintings. They look especially good in series.

Also, the work of Anuradha Bhoumik can be found on pillows, blankets or clothes. It is enough just to visit the house of the needlewoman or her close friends.

Recently, the work of the Indian woman has been put up for sale through social networks.

Earlier OXO wrote about a talented Japanese woman who creates berets and mittens with embroidery using felting technique.

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