Swedish shipbuilders plan to build the world's fastest electric boat

Swedish shipbuilders plan to build the world's fastest electric boat

1 April 2021, 18:12
A source: © popmech.ru
The Swedish company Candela has announced the construction of the fastest electric vessel. The boat should be the fastest in the world.

The design of the new water transport will be standard. Metal frame with lightweight materials, a cabin for 30 passengers and a driver. Glazed windows, comfortable seating and electric controls.

From a technical point, the ship will be able to accelerate to 30 knots and travel more than 60 nautical miles on a single charge. The shipbuilder plans to achieve such indicators at the expense of the on-board computer.

The device estimates the total tonnage of the vessel, taking into account the number of passengers and cargo, tilts along different axes during movement. After that, adjustments are made to the operation of the hydrofoils - they hold a certain angle for smooth gliding of the electric boat through the water.

The Candela vessel will not only use 80% less energy for its operation, but will also keep the boat stable in relation to the water. At the same time, it will move at higher speeds than existing water vehicles. Damage to other boats and the environment is excluded.

As the general director of the company Gustav Hasselskog noted, not enough attention is paid to water transport. During rush hour, when ground transportation is congested, boats will become an alternative to cars and buses.

Tests of the new boat will begin in 2022 in Stockholm. The company plans to move to commercial operations a year after that. The goal of the Swedish shipbuilder is to prove that their hydrofoil ferries are more comfortable, cheaper and more environmentally friendly than conventional boats.

OXO recently wrote about Hyundai, which presented the concept of a flying taxi.
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