German robot rescues drowning people

German robot rescues drowning people

4 April 2021, 11:10
A source: ©
A group of scientists from the German research organization Fraunhofer Society, together with the Wasserrettungsdienst Halle rescue service, have developed a rescue robot. His main duty is to ensure safety on the water and rescue drowning people.

As conceived by the creators, the robot is at the bottom of the pool at a special station. Cameras installed in the ceiling of the pool monitor the location and movement patterns of the swimming people. If the computer's artificial intelligence detects movements typical of drowning people, it will send an autonomous system to help.

The robot will determine the location of the swimmer using on-board cameras. Diving under a person, he will pick him up with his flat "back" in the shape of a stretcher and lift him to the surface. If the drowning person does not respond to the manipulations of the bot, then a special mechanism will fix the body in a position in which the person does not slip back under the water.

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The invention will be useful not only on the territory of swimming pools, but also in any other reservoirs. But then cameras tracking objects will be located on drones or balloons. Taking into account the fact that the water in the lakes is not so transparent (compared to pools), instead of cameras on its board, the device uses acoustic sensors.

The researchers conducted the tests in Halle on Lake Hufeisense. An eighty-kilogram dummy, submerged to a depth of three meters, was discovered by the rescue robot in 2 minutes.

It should be noted that the gadget was created on the basis of a previously existing underwater vehicle. At the moment, the developers are planning to upgrade it, making the device more compact and lightweight. The shape of the robot will soon change too. It will become more streamlined, like the body of a stingray.

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