OXO spoke about tricks that will help make your home more luxurious

OXO spoke about tricks that will help make your home more luxurious

6 April 2021, 18:12
A source: © archidea.com.ua
The luxury in the apartment is achieved through a series of techniques. OXO, guided by the advice of designers, spoke about some of them.

To add luxury to the space, it is enough to turn to wall decoration and decorations with mirrors, paintings, curtains.

Dark colors for walls do not always play to reduce the space. And so be it. You should not be afraid of this. Black is considered an element of chic and luxury in the design world. The right lighting and golden accessories will help to decorate and warm the interior.

High decorative strips and stucco moldings remind of the luxury of Parisian apartments. They make the decoration even more beautiful, bring elevation.

Mirrored surfaces not only visually expand the space, but also make the interior more glamorous. As options for styling - a mirror in a thick frame or a composition of several smaller mirrors. In some cases, a gold or silver "frame" for mirrors will suit the room.

Pictures placed on an easel or wall can also significantly increase the value of an interior. Rooms are becoming sleeker, which means they look more luxurious. But here it is worth giving preference to classical works. They will be more advantageous than modern graphics.

Gold jewelry will also guarantee the luxury of the interior. But they need to be introduced gradually, literally analyzing each "step".
Curtains have long ceased to be just a protective means from the sun or the eyes of annoying neighbors. It is the decoration of the entire interior, which gives it coziness and elegance.

The competent implementation of expert advice helps to make the space more advantageous in terms of luxury.

Read also: Tips for decorating the hallway from OXO
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