Landscape designers talked about the rules for building a fountain

Landscape designers talked about the rules for building a fountain

8 April 2021, 18:59
A source: ©
A fountain at a summer cottage is a decorative element and an additional air humidifier. Landscape designers told what you need to pay attention to when constructing it.

Important aspects of creating a fountain are the choice of a location, selection of material, installation of pipes and plans for the subsequent care. Experts recommend to approach each stage responsibly, so that in the future the decorative structure will only please the eye, and does not bring constant problems.

When choosing a place for a fountain, it is better to stay in an open space. Not planted with vegetation. This is especially true for trees and bushes, which should not be uprooted for the sake of a fountain. Otherwise, their roots will make themselves felt for a long time.

The shape of the fountain should correspond to the general style of the landscape - rectangle, square or circle. Non-standard is also welcome.

The preparation of materials begins with the selection of a hydraulic installation. The pressure of the water and the height of the jets' ejection depend on its quality. In the case of a large diameter fountain bowl, an appropriate pit will be needed. The bottom of the latter is reinforced with a foundation: a layer of sand, concrete, brick. A plastic film is laid inside the pit.

Trouble-free operation also depends on the correct selection and connection of the pump. The device takes liquid from the bowl and through pipes feeds it to the nozzle. Filters are used as additional equipment.

But in order for the fountain to function without failures, it is imperative to monitor it - periodically clean it, control the surrounding vegetation, conduct technical checks of communications.

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