Listening to music for the brain is comparable to drinking alcohol - neuroscientists

Listening to music for the brain is comparable to drinking alcohol - neuroscientists

8 April 2021, 20:33
A source: ©
Canadian scientists, after a series of studies, understood why we like listening to music. This is due to the activation in the brain of the same reward centers as when drinking alcohol.

The testing was carried out on 17 volunteers whose brain activity was studied using MRI. Before scanning, the reward centers of the subjects were actively suppressed and aroused by means of magnetic stimulation.

The brain activity was changed again during listening to music. Participants were asked to press one of four keys with the corresponding answer option. So they reflected the degree of satisfaction with the music.

Scientists noticed that stimulating reward centers increased listening pleasure. While suppression, it diminished. Such changes were associated with the nucleus accumbens involved in the work of the reward center.

Interestingly, it is this area of ​​the brain that is involved in changing behavior during alcohol or nicotine consumption.

The Canadian researchers also noted that the subjects showed significant over time performance and differences in synchronous activity between areas of the brain.

The experimental results are such that the relationship between the auditory region and the reward region is directly related. Hence the pleasure that a person experiences when listening to music.

Research materials have been published in specialized publications in the country and abroad. Scientists described in detail the testing procedure, supplemented their conclusions with comments. We also partially published reviews of tested people.

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