7 creative ideas for where to place a movie projector in your home

7 creative ideas for where to place a movie projector in your home

13 April 2021, 17:47
A source: © ivd.ru
A cinema projector in the room would be a good option for large rooms. In this case, ideas for its placement will come in very handy.

So that parts of the modern style do not stand out from the general picture, they just need to be accurately entered. Projector and speaker system will fit into high-tech style.

In a classic interior, the devices will not be entirely appropriate. Therefore, it is recommended to "hide" them. You can create mobile shelves or cabinets. Even the shelves in the ceiling.

The screen is sometimes used as a zoning element. With its help, one room is separated from another. Or, part of the wall is simply covered up to be used as storage space. This "curtain" can separate different rooms.

The projector as a part of the brutal style rightfully "draws" attention to itself. This is his main task. This element of brutalism will emphasize the simplicity, honesty and functionality of the space.

Decorating a room with a screen is a good move for an apartment with an industrial interior. Images that are broadcast on the canvas become part of the interior. An accent spot.

By placing the screen above the door, you can save space. This option is suitable for small and already furnished rooms.

In the case of a movie corner room, you can go for an experiment - install two projectors with screens. A corner sofa or a series of armchairs will be a great addition.

The device can be made part of a modern space or disguised. In some situations, the screen can even become a zoning element.

Recently it was reported about ideas for sustainable home design.
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