Wooden furniture with original decor - ideas of a British artist

Wooden furniture with original decor - ideas of a British artist

14 April 2021, 16:34
A source: © fastory.ru
The furniture of a non-standard form is created by the British Annie Evelyn. The artist's works resemble fabulous hemp on legs with flowers.

The artist decorates the chairs with flowers on high stems, adds veils of dense fabrics to the chairs, and complements the bar counters with bead threads. Annie Evelyn uses vibrant colors, but she still looks natural.

To create furniture the artist is inspired by British fairy tales, in which man and nature are one whole. The stories where trees and flowers come to life speak a fabulous language. But at the same time, a person understands, appreciates nature and tries to help.

Annie Evelyn also draws inspiration from painting. After all, a woman is professionally engaged in painting pictures. He transfers to paper what he sees every day - forests, fields, mountains. Emphasizing their beauty, it leaves room for a person.

Fabulous furniture is used throughout. But, as the artist notes, it is better to come up with the same fabulous company - forest decor. Chairs with flowers or racks with beads can look very good in bars and restaurants. Such elements will bring naturalness to any interior.

You don't have to travel to the UK to see Annie Evelyn's creations. It is enough to visit the artist's website, which contains photographs of all works. Racks, chairs, armchairs, etc. can be viewed from different angles. If you wish, even place an order for any piece of furniture.

Annie Evelyn keeps repeating that only the reunification of man with nature will allow everyone to live in harmony. Respect for the gifts of forests, fields and rivers is important.

Earlier, OXO reported about a sculptor from the United States who creates art objects from rusty nails.

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru
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