Newspaper Age Items by Atsushi Adachi

Newspaper Age Items by Atsushi Adachi

17 April 2021, 10:00
A source: ©
Conceptual monuments from newspapers, magazines and book pages are created by the Japanese sculptor Atsushi Adachi. Retro cars, old ships and military aircraft carriers in Atsushi's interpretation demonstrate the realities of the modern world - pleasant and not very pleasant.

The Japanese grew up in the port region of Yokosuke, where the Japanese flotilla and one of the divisions of the US Navy were located. His grandfather was fond of military history and was engaged in modeling warships. Atsushi was impressed by this atmosphere, so it is not surprising that he became a sculptor in the future.

Photo ©

It was not by chance that Adachi made a choice in favor of old newspapers as material for his works. “By sticking print media onto things that have played an important role in the past, I am reconstructing history and giving shape to memory. My sculptures can not only be viewed, but also read, ”the master notes.

The author begins to create sculptures by gluing the shape of the future creation. For this, Atsushi uses sheets of thick cardboard. With the help of scissors the craftsman gives the workpiece the desired silhouette. The last step is to cover the future sculpture with carefully preserved newspaper clippings or pages from books.

Among the works of the Japanese, there are many car models. Adachi tries to detail the sculptures as much as possible, using drawings of real machines for this. There are even engines with cylinders and pistons, radiators and batteries under the paper hood. If it is impossible to find the real drawing, the master recreates the vehicle from photographs. It is extremely rare for a sculptor to deviate from a complete copy of a prototype. Then, for the sake of spectacular expressiveness of the finished product, small details are sacrificed. Today, the master is known far beyond the borders of Japan. His creations attract the attention of gallery owners from all over the world.

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