Breeding fish: conditions in which you need to keep aquariums

Breeding fish: conditions in which you need to keep aquariums

23 April 2021, 20:37
A source: ©
Breeding aquarium fish is an exciting hobby. But this activity requires compliance with certain rules for caring for the aquarium and its inhabitants.

The conditions for keeping aquarium fish are fixed air and temperature conditions, the frequency of water changes, cleaning of stones and plants. Without following the rules of care, aquarium fish will not please their owners for a long time.

In order for the inhabitants of the aquarium to feel comfortable in it, a heater with a thermostat should be installed. This device provides not only water heating above room temperature, but also lighting. Often in addition, there are filtering devices that purify the water from fish excrement, food residues and algae particles.

The presence of filtering and heating devices allows you to minimize the frequency of water changes. It is necessary to clean the aquarium from silt and change the water in it at least once a month. If the volume exceeds 300-400 liters, then the replacement is made once every 2-3 months.

Stones and algae must also undergo special treatment. They should be doused with boiling water before being placed in the aquarium. In the case of stones or decorative ceramic figurines, a soda solution is used.

When cleaning the aquarium, fish should be placed in glass containers. It is better to use nets to remove them from the water. This not only speeds up the catching procedure, but also reduces stress for the pets.

Following the rules of caring for the aquarium and its inhabitants will allow you to enjoy this exciting hobby for many years. You just need to take a responsible approach to this lesson.

Earlier, OXO wrote about a tourist who showed the stages of creating a commemorative collection with sea water.
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