The Spaniard creates paintings that can be viewed from different angles

The Spaniard creates paintings that can be viewed from different angles

26 April 2021, 21:47
A source: ©
The paintings, in which the image changes depending on the viewing angle, are created by the Spanish artist Sergi Canedas. Young and old people can be seen in the portraits at the same time.

To create dynamics on canvas, the Spaniard used 3D panels. Faces look different when viewed from the left and right sides. Age-related changes - wrinkles, a change in the shape of the eyes, the freshness of the look can be seen with the naked eye.

According to the author of art objects, it is important to understand that old age and youth are interrelated phenomena. One cannot exist without the other. The value of youth is realized only after the lapse of years.

Sergi Canedas uses not only the age parallel as an idea for his works. The artist touches upon the subject of mind and beauty. One of the works - two radically opposite portraits - Albert Einstein and Merlin Monroe, which are combined into one.

The deep symbolism of the works of the Spanish artist made him famous not only in Spain, but also abroad. Before the introduction of quarantine restrictions, paintings with 3D panels were exhibited in cities in Germany, Italy, Austria and France.

But after the temporary closure of galleries and museums, Sergi Canedas is forced to show portraits using the World Wide Web. The artist's personal website, social networks, platforms for selling paintings are places where you can meet instantly aging faces created by the Spaniard.

The opportunity to order one of Sergi Canedas' art objects is also present. If desired, the artist can even make a portrait to order.

OXO previously wrote about an artist from the Netherlands who creates sparkling mosaics.

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