A friendly lantern welcomes passers-by in Amsterdam

A friendly lantern welcomes passers-by in Amsterdam

28 April 2021, 21:02
A source: © admagazine.ru
The lantern was designed by the Amsterdam design studio VOUW. The inspiration came from nature itself.

The street light is an aluminum structure that looks like a giant floor lamp from the outside. To make the flashlight a functional device, it was equipped with a series of sensors. Varieties of the latter are used in electric vehicles to recognize moving people on the road.

As soon as a person approaches the lantern, the upper part of the lighting fixture opens like a flower. The lampshade grows in size, flooding everything around with soft light. When the person moves away, the flashlight returns to its original position.

According to the authors of the project, advanced technologies work to accelerate the pace of life. With their help, designers try to pay attention to details and make people feel connected with the world around them.

Borrowing an idea from nature itself - closing and opening plants, VOUW employees supplemented it with the ability to adjust the lighting. On the one hand, this is a creative approach to the creation of lighting devices, and on the other, energy savings.

As for the latter, the brightness of the light is controlled by the proximity of the moving object. Here the principle of sensory electrical appliances - doors, heated towel rails, faucets - works.

VOUW designers hope to use their own lamps on the streets of the city. Thus, turn the latter into interactive spaces.

The working title of the project is Slow Technologies. However, behind their slowness hides a rapidly rushing future.

Recently OXO reported on a project of architects from Taiwan.

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