Scientists have created electronic skin. Now the earth's magnetic field can be felt

Scientists have created electronic skin. Now the earth's magnetic field can be felt

2 May 2021, 11:03
A source: ©
The magnetic field is an integral part of our life. We all know this, but physically we do not feel this phenomenon in any way, despite the colossal power of the magnetic field, its effect and influence remains unnoticed for a person. But soon people will be able to feel its power. This will be possible thanks to the development of a group of researchers from the HZDR laboratory located in Germany. Scientists have reported that they have managed to create an electronic analogue of human skin.

A breakthrough in the development work happened after the engineers came up with the idea of ​​the possibility of using film of a silver polymer substance. Its thickness is only 0.001 mm.

The chief specialist of the Santiago Canyon Bermudez laboratory said that
magnetic sensors are integrated into the film. Their value varies between 40-60 microtesla. Thanks to this, the sensors are extremely sensitive to various changes that occur in the field.

It is worth noting that scientists have already experimented with similar ideas. But previous models that mimic e-skin did not work without the presence of external magnets. The advantage of the new sensors is the continuous ability to track dislocation relative to the Earth's magnetic field.

They instantly react to a change in position and fix it. After that, the information is digitized and used in virtual reality format. To test the e-skin in action, the tester attached the sensor to one of his fingers, and then moved randomly in space.

Researchers believe that the scope of e-skin applications is very wide. For example, she will become an actual assistant for doctors, firefighters or police officers. And for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, it will help to avoid disorientation.

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