American transformed decommissioned Boeing into a villa on the lake

American transformed decommissioned Boeing into a villa on the lake

3 May 2021, 23:22
A source: ©
A US hairdresser bought a decommissioned Boeing 747 and turned an old plane into a luxury home. The result surprised even the new owner.

Boeing managed to turn into a villa with three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom with Jacuzzi, which was located in the cockpit. From the previous aircraft, only the toilet and luggage compartments above the passenger seats have survived. Jo Ann Ussery adapted the latter to fit the mezzanine.

An American bought a decommissioned Boeing in 1994. For a long time the plane was parked, and then it was transported to the coast of a small lake. There the transformations began.

It took Jo Ann Ussery almost a year and thousands of dollars to convert a passenger plane into a dream home. But the woman does not regret even one cent spent on the villa. Every year she recalls the decision to purchase a decommissioned air transport only with enthusiasm.

The purchase of the plane cost Jo Ann Ussery $ 2,000, transportation - another $ 4,000. During the repair, the woman had to spend about $ 25,000.

The American made repairs in the old plane exclusively on her own. She poured the floors, carried out the wiring and plumbing. She even made it so that a landline phone appeared in Boeing.

For more than 10 years Jo Ann Ussery has come to rest with his family in a house located near the lake. As a rule, they visit it for several months.

The American woman is often compared to former US President Donald Trump, who also has his own personal Boeing. True, unlike the presidential one, her plane does not fly.

Recently it was reported about a project of architects from Taiwan.

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