3D and Confused - Creative Aquarium Decorations by Japanese Designer

3D and Confused - Creative Aquarium Decorations by Japanese Designer

5 May 2021, 22:35
A source: © fastory.ru
Decorating aquariums is a hobby of Haruki Misawa, designer and founder of Misawa Design. In her project, the woman showed an unusual vision of a “house for fish”.

At first glance, aquariums by a Japanese designer look traditional - glass cubes, prisms and parallelepipeds. However, the highlight of every fish house is the decor placed inside.

A woman places three-dimensional objects in aquariums, created using 3D printing technology. These are all sorts of stylizations for coral reefs, nets, plants, structures of indefinite shape.

Haruki Misawa is inspired by the sea. Frequently visiting the oceans and seas, a woman dreams that the calmness that they instill can be at home. The designer combined the carefree noise of the waves, the playful crunch of sand, and the gentle breath of the wind in her installations.

First, Haruki Misawa designs future objects using graphic programs. In editors, corrects the finished image. Transfers it using volumetric printing on a plane. Uses grinding attachments if necessary.

After drying, the compositions take their place in the aquariums and are filled with water. The final touch is filling the glass house with pets. As Haruki Misawa states, fish willingly overcome obstacles of volumetric structures and coexist peacefully with them.

To purchase one of these aquariums, just visit the designer's website. Choose a volumetric installation and start the fish when they arrive home. The cost of one aquarium starts from $ 50-70.

Previously, OXO wrote about the conditions in which aquariums should be kept.

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru
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