The Briton has solved the largest Rubik's cube

The Briton has solved the largest Rubik's cube

11 May 2021, 16:54
A source: ©
Rubik's cube is a tool for the development of logic. Multi-colored puzzle aficionado Kenneth Brandon showed how she handles the largest format.

The Briton assembled Rubik's cube in 17x17x17 format and recorded a video in which he captured the assembly process. The solution of the puzzle started from the center, gradually moving towards the edges. Once the center was folded, Kenneth Brandon proceeded to assemble the edge pieces.

The solution to the problem of collecting a cube of this size, according to a puzzle lover, does not differ much from other formats - 7x7x7 or 5x5x5. The technology is approximately the same. The main thing is to grasp the meaning, and then everything goes by itself. The video of collecting the largest Rubik's cube was recorded after numerous training sessions and published on YouTube.

The Briton became interested in assembling Rubik's cubes as a child. From the smallest formats, over which I sometimes sat for hours, I moved on to more complex ones. Kenneth Brandon tried to constantly reinforce the achieved result and complicate the format of the puzzles.

In the arsenal of the man there are many puzzle games that he managed to solve. These are all kinds of snakes, tags, tangrams, puzzles and boxes with secrets. But the greatest interest, bordering on enthusiasm, for Kenneth Brandon is caused by Rubik's cubes.

The benefits of solving such puzzles are obvious. Development of logical thinking, training of memory, intelligence.

Psychologists say that the ability to solve various puzzles helps to train the skill of making important decisions in life. Make a logical choice.

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