Show your nose: the dog can now be found using the app

Show your nose: the dog can now be found using the app

15 May 2021, 11:26
A source: ©
Sometimes our lesser friends get lost. In some cases, the animal can be found. The presence of a collar with a token with the dog's name and owner's number often helps in this process. But there are situations when the collar, for example, is lost. An innovative development will be able to help in the identification of the animal.

The American company Lams, whose main activity is the production of dog food, offered users an analogue of chipping. The brand has created the NOSEiD app that can identify an animal by its nasal biometrics.

The shape of the dog's nose, like the pattern, is unique to each animal. This is comparable to human fingerprints. Therefore, an error in the definition of an animal is excluded.

To use the biometric identification service, the pet owner downloads an application to his smartphone. It's worth noting that it's free. After installing the program, you need to photograph the animal's nose. Then provide the characteristics of the animal: breed, size, weight, color and age. From the information received, the application creates a profile, which is stored on a cloud server.

In the event of a missing dog, the owner can send information to people who use Noised. And if they find an animal on the street that matches the description, then using the application they will scan the nose. If the system determines that this particular dog has been lost, then the user will contact the owner.

Preliminary testing of NOSEiD has been shown to be highly effective in locating missing animals. NOSEiD is currently supported in only one city (Nashville, Tennessee)
But soon the number of regions in which the application will become available will expand.

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