Woodpecker WPC builds homes from coffee waste

Woodpecker WPC builds homes from coffee waste

19 May 2021, 22:33
A source: © design-mate.ru
Colombian company Woodpecker WPC has decided to engage in large-scale construction of houses from coffee waste. The project was initiated within the framework of providing housing to the poor regions of the country.

Building blocks are created from the coffee husk that remains after processing the beans. These building materials become the walls of future houses, schools, shops.

This adaptive composite is easy to install and transport. There is no need for special tools or specific skills to build houses from coffee waste. The lightness of the blocks allows you to transport them yourself using a car or animals - oxen, donkeys, horses.

According to the director of a construction company, using this approach to recycled coffee waste, they managed to rebuild about 3 thousand houses and 20 schools. And in the course of one of the recent campaigns, about 600 structures adapted to the climate of Colombia were built.

The country, suffering from frequent torrential rains, high humidity, has recently been "covered" by a general drought. This affected the yield, and, accordingly, the income of the citizens of Colombia. Housing issues, which were once acute, have become even more acute in the light of recent climate change.

Construction companies are trying to come up with the most acceptable construction methods - economical, environmentally friendly and fast. Woodpecker WPC is one of them.

The use of coffee waste, or waste from other products, is becoming a common practice in modern society. This is part of a campaign for sustainable use of natural resources.

Recently, OXO wrote about Japanese architects who used earth for the walls of houses.
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