Biologists from Greece have described

Biologists from Greece have described "insidious" flowers

21 May 2021, 22:15
A source: ©
The reproduction mechanism was described by a group of scientists from Greece. Pollination of the A. microstoma flower occurs due to the attraction of insects.

The mechanism for attracting insects, in particular flies, occurs due to the release of volatile substances that smell like other insects. Once on the flower, the flies find themselves in a kind of confinement until the time of laying eggs and transferring pollen. Only in this case the flower opens and releases the "captive" to freedom.

For the study, materials were collected from some parts of the country - in the region of Athens and the Peloponnese. Biologists removed almost 300 insects from the buds, ranging from various types of flies to millipedes and collembolans.

However, pollen was found only on the bodies of flies that are interested in carrion. Based on this, biologists concluded that only insects of the order M. scalaris and M. angusta / longicostalis can act as pollinators of A. microstoma.

After analyzing the smells emitted by the plant, scientists have identified about 15 compounds, including volatile molecules containing sulfur and nitrogen. The fetid smell that flowers exude is similar to the smell of decomposing meat.

Also, the researchers were able to identify a compound atypical for plants, which occurs in nature during the decomposition of insects. Such a discovery was recorded for the first time.

In the future, the team of biologists plans to continue researching "insidious" flowers. Next in line are experiments with their petals and stems. The results, including the above, are published in specialized periodicals.

See also: New bacteria are like Pokemon - microbiologists
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