Neurolutions has created a system to rehabilitate after a stroke

Neurolutions has created a system to rehabilitate after a stroke

22 May 2021, 10:31
A source: ©
An innovative development was presented to the world by Neurolutions, an IpsiHand device that helps restore the functions of the hand and wrist in stroke patients. IpsiHand is the world's first brain- computer (BCI) system that has received approval from the US FDA (Office of Medicines Quality Supervision).

The device is designed as two separate elements. One part is an exoskeleton located in the wrist area. The second is a small helmet that records human brain activity using electrodes (non-invasive electroencephalography method). The development is based on the discovery of Dr. Erik Leuthardt 10 years ago.

As we know, the opposite side of the brain is responsible for the movements of one of the sides of the body. For example, if a stroke has damaged the left side of the brain, it will affect the coordination of the right side of the body. But Leuthardt and his colleagues discovered that body signals appear from the same side of the brain. However, due to the consequences of a stroke, they seem to be blocked. This phenomenon is called ipsilateral cerebral signal.

The BCI concept is to detect the correct signals to control the electronic restraint located on the arm.
The measurement of brain activity is carried out via a wireless network using a tablet.

The system has been tested for 12 weeks. She has demonstrated significant improvement in patient movement in the context of treatment. It turned out that the brain is able to retrain and begin to adapt again to new conditions. Thanks to this, patients will be able to return to normal life, restoring functions in the paralyzed part of the body.

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