Growing butterflies brings romance to life - enthusiasts about their hobby

Growing butterflies brings romance to life - enthusiasts about their hobby

25 May 2021, 21:53
A source: ©
Growing butterflies is a hobby for romantic people. Enthusiasts spoke in more detail about this lesson.

The essence of breeding butterflies is to purchase cocoons, place them in special incubators and then control the transformation. The process is laborious, but the result is stunning. It is believed that only romantic natures are inclined to breeding butterflies.

In addition to basic knowledge in the field of lepidopterology, the science that studies lepidoptera, a certain set of tools will be required. An insectarium, a humidifier, a thermometer, and other gadgets that help butterflies feel comfortable at home.

The insect planting procedure is simple. First, in a pre-prepared insectarium, cocoons are placed on racks. These are boxes or cylinders with glass walls, allowing you to observe the development of insects.

If the process of breeding butterflies begins with caterpillars, then a soil is prepared for them and plants are placed in it. This allows the insect to quickly transform into a butterfly after feeding.

A prerequisite for keeping insects in an insectarium is cleaning and feeding. Fresh leaves should be systematically added so that the insect grows and develops. Plants should be slightly moistened with water.

After the caterpillar has transformed into a pupa, a supply of fresh air should be provided. Some butterflies emerge from their cocoon in 9-14 days, while others can sag in this state for several months.

Omitting the difficult care of insects that miraculously transform from caterpillars to butterflies, the process remains enjoyment. And the result is the enjoyment of the natural beauty of insects.

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