Designers told what material is better to choose for interior doors

Designers told what material is better to choose for interior doors

25 May 2021, 22:19
A source: ©
Interior doors is not easy to choose. It is necessary to approach in detail the choice of material. Experts shared their tips.

The material of manufacture can be an array - classic or glued, veneer, glass, laminate.

Classic or glued solid wood is the use of a "piece" of wood for the door leaf. At the heart of the classic massif is a solid wooden layer, glued - a composite of several massifs connected with glue. Solid wood doors are distinguished by their density, strength and durability. Among the disadvantages are swelling and deformation at high humidity.

Veneer, or a thin cut of wood, covers MDF and chipboard canvases. The advantages of veneer are an affordable price, a wide range of colors and low weight. However, if you compare this material with solid wood, the veneer is not so strong.

Glass doors fit well into almost any interior. They are used to enlarge and decorate the space. Painting, mosaic, photo printing are used as decoration. In appearance, you should not choose glass doors. The main criterion is the level of strength. The best option is tempered glass doors.

Laminated door structures are based on chipboard or MDF, which are covered with a polymer film. The latter, in addition to decorating due to different colors and shades, performs protective functions. The disadvantage of the material is fading over time.

Experts recommend "assembling" custom-made interior doors. So you can choose the desired material, decoration method and size.

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