Knitting right on the lawn: Orly Genger installations

Knitting right on the lawn: Orly Genger installations

29 May 2021, 10:05
A source: ©
Contemporary art never ceases to amaze with its versatility and creativity. The creations of street artists are changing our worldview, demonstrating a new vision of familiar things. Orly Genger is one of the craftsmen who amazes the world with her creativity.

The girl creates wicker compositions that amaze with their scale. Knitted goods of the craftswoman decorate the streets, adding bright colors to everyday objects.

Orly's most memorable work was an original installation in the heart of Manhattan. In the middle of the Madison Square Park lawn, the audience watched a huge ocean wave. (Photo)

To implement the idea, the girl used 430 km of special rope. By the way, this is 20 times longer than the length of the entire Manhattan Island. No less impressive is the amount of paint spent -3500 liters. The weight of the "wave" was more than 45,000 kilograms.

The preparation for the street exhibition took more than two years.
Genger usually uses a strong rope designed for rock climbing for his creations. But to create her most impressive project, the artist used old ropes from fishing boats.

The forms of other installations of the craftswoman are very diverse. Some of them have the dimensions of a standard wall painting, others reach the size of an average room. But all of them are made exclusively by hand.

Genger rarely creates sculptures from preliminary sketches. The girl finds it too predictable and boring. Therefore, most often Orly's ideas are spontaneous, and execution is intuitive.

The girl's works have been repeatedly exhibited at the San Francisco and Whitney and Albright Knox Gallery of Modern Art. In addition, they were exhibited in museums in Alaska and Indianapolis. The artist has many fans who are looking forward to her new compositions.

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