Mastercard showed by the example of plastic cards that some species of animals are disappearing

Mastercard showed by the example of plastic cards that some species of animals are disappearing

4 June 2021, 21:50
A source: ©
Mastercard has released a limited version of plastic cards depicting endangered species of animals. A dollar is donated from each of them to protect elephants, lemurs, baboons.

Visually, the plastic looks like a standard card - number, expiration date, magnetic tape, manufacturer's logo. However, the obverse is decorated with an image of endangered species of animals.

Together with Conservation Internationa, Mastercard reminds that the card may expire even after the disappearance of rare species of fauna.

On the plastic there is an image of an African elephant, a wari lemur, a Peruvian yellow-tailed monkey, a Javanese pangolin. Animals are filmed in natural habitats.

The picture on the front of the plastic is part of a larger photo. The advertising campaign was largely based on this.

You can use such debit cards in all branches where such means of payment are accepted. And for their use, Mastercard donates $ 1 to Conservation International.

Previously, the company produced plastic dedicated to various world events. It could be anniversaries, natural disasters, or tragic dates. This time Mastercard raised the problem of the disappearance of rare animals, linking it to the expiration dates of plastic cards.

It is expected that such a marketing move will increase the number of cards of this type and will somehow affect the attitude of individual customers of the payment system to animals.

The terms of issue of plastic with endangered species can be found on the Mastercard website.

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