Soft masterpieces: Australian artist creates felt animals

Soft masterpieces: Australian artist creates felt animals

5 June 2021, 9:29
A source: ©
Do you still think that it is impossible to create works of art from all the usual materials? Then Ojo will convince you otherwise with the example of a textile artist from Australia. Cat Rabbit (as the designer calls herself) has created a whole zoo of toy animals from felt.

A cat named Porco is directly involved in the creative project of the craftswoman. The artist notes that it is her pet that inspires her to make funny animals. The craftswoman creates the creations by hand. The artist does not make a preliminary sketch. Each animal appears spontaneously.

“I'm not preparing for work. I just sit down at the table and start cutting, stitching or felting pieces of wool. Initially, I don’t even think about what I’ll succeed in the end, ”says the craftswoman.

Felt collection of toys from Cat Rabbit is represented by a great variety. These are cute rabbits, funny bear cubs, funny llamas, funny frogs, serious elephants, etc.

Each of the heroes has its own character traits. Animals dressed in human-like clothes depict everyday scenes using themed accessories.

The designer's creations are popular with people of all ages. The audience of the girl's fans is not limited only to children. An elder worshiper purchases Cat Rabbit products to enjoy the aesthetics of cute animals.

“First of all, I strive to create something that will provoke in the audience a sense of calmness, harmony and nostalgia. And if I manage to evoke such feelings in buyers, then I understand that I am not working in vain. And I'm happy with that, ”says Cat Rabbit

By the way, in addition to felt animals, the Australian (together with Isobel Knowles) creates 3-d toys for a series of children's books.

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