Gender, age, size: scientists have figured out the causes of dog aggression

Gender, age, size: scientists have figured out the causes of dog aggression

5 June 2021, 9:51
A source: ©
A team of geneticists and biologists from the University of Helsinki led by Salla Mikolla studied the causes of the aggressive nature of dogs. For the reliability of the results, the behavior of more than 9 thousand animals was analyzed. This is not the first study of this kind, but previously the number of subjects was significantly smaller.

It turned out that the intensity of the manifestation of aggression is interrelated with the size of the subject, his age and innate fearfulness. Also, the dog's anger is influenced by the conditions the dog's residence and the experience of the owner. The study showed that the dog, which is the only animal in the family, is often prone to aggressiveness. A person who has not started a dog for the first time pays more attention to the period of adaptation of the four-legged, quickly identifies the reasons for the friend's fearfulness and neutralizes them in time.

In addition, barking, growling, clicking teeth and attempting to bite may indicate chronic pain in the animal and with its advanced age.

Statistical analysis of the data showed that angry behavior also stimulates the dog's sensitivity to external stimuli and general fearfulness. This fact has become a confirmation of previous research, proving that emotional and fearful dogs are wary not only of strangers, but also of their fellows. The link between aggression and dog size and sex has also been fully confirmed. Males and small breeds are less balanced in relation to other animals.

Scientists note that the propensity for anger also depends on the characteristics of breed breeding. For example, German Shepherds or Rottweilers, who are trained to work and participate in exhibitions, may have specific character traits.

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