Old bicycle chandeliers: a creative hobby

Old bicycle chandeliers: a creative hobby

6 June 2021, 10:01
A source: © museum-design.ru
Creative people never cease to amaze the world with their unusual hobbies. Among them is the American artist Carolina Fontoura Alzaga. The girl creates stunning lamps that attract the attention of everyone who sees them.

The peculiarity of the craftswoman's creations lies in the unusual materials that she uses to create them. The fact is that for the manufacture of exclusive lampshades, the girl collects non-working parts from old bicycles.

Combining details with inspiration, the craftswoman literally creates a new world of metal, creativity and modernism. Carolina lamps are not just lighting fixtures, they are real art objects.

The craftswoman was born in Mexico, but spent her childhood and adolescence in America. She studied digital and painting in Denver. There, the artist met a community that exchanges creative resources.

One day, a girl with new friends visited a shop for used bicycles. It was there that Carolina got the idea to create lamp shades from bicycle elements.

And now, using her own combination of spare parts, the girl collects real masterpieces from the trash.
Some of the luminaires include several hundred elements: chains, screws and discs.

Craftswomen's chandeliers decorate the interior of not only apartments and private houses, but also boutiques, cafes and restaurants. Below is one of the chandeliers currently in the P. Journe watch boutique.

Many of Alzaga's clients purchase her works for their homes. Carolina has already produced 60 chandeliers, lamps and a bar. All items are taken from discarded bicycles. “I love that I can change the history of the material. After all, every detail keeps its secrets, ”says Carolina Fontoura Alzaga
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Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru
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