Pristine antiques and complete wine cellar - abandoned villa in Italy

Pristine antiques and complete wine cellar - abandoned villa in Italy

7 June 2021, 19:17
A source: ©
The abandoned villa was discovered in the northern part of Italy by the Dutch photographer Roman Robrok, who is photographing similar places.

The villa was a small 19th century building. According to the Dutchman, there were many antique interior items in it - decoration, furniture, decor items. More than 7 thousand lots, many of which will help to decorate the house, are collected in the section "House, interior".

Roman Robrok, among the walls overgrown with greenery and moss, found antique sets that were ready to receive guests. And, judging by the layer of dust, there were no people in the house for a long time.

In the rooms of the old villa, the photographer found a living room of exceptional yellow color - luxurious sofas, walls, ceiling with paintings and golden curtains. In the center of the room was a dilapidated fireplace. Probably, at one time this room was often filled with noisy companies.

Other rooms were also admirable. Wall paintings were preserved on the walls of many of them, old books and figurines lay on the tables.

As the photographer later learned, this mansion first belonged to a lawyer bearing the title of a knight. In one of the abandoned rooms was his portrait with the year of birth - 1874.

Later the villa was taken over by a family of landowners. The last of whom was born in 1941, became an agronomist and subsequently disappeared without a trace.

At the moment, the fate of the structure is still unknown. But the fact remains - in Italy, as in many countries, there are still places that people have long abandoned. And these structures continue to live their own lives.
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