Champion origami: Guinness book holder showed how to make a paper plane

Champion origami: Guinness book holder showed how to make a paper plane

9 June 2021, 22:23
A source: ©
The last record for the launch of a paper plane belongs to the US modeler John Collins. The event took place in February 2012 and so far no one has been able to "surpass" it.

The aircraft, created in the origami technique, was launched at the California airfield of McClellan Air Force Base. He was sent flying by professional footballer Joe Ayub. The paper product flew almost 70 m and only then landed.

As the record holder and author of the aircraft noted, the secret of the project's success lies in the special technique of paper folding. Collins' paper plane was based on scientific evidence. In particular, a deep knowledge of aerodynamics.

Not without many hours of training flights. Footballer Joe Ayuba had to spend more than one day at the airport for the launched paper product to overcome the declared distance. Throw after throw, the scientist and the athlete moved towards the goal until they reached the mark of 69.14 m.

It is noted that the previous record belonged to the Japanese engineer Takua Toda, whose plane lasted 27.9 seconds in the air.

The American recorded the creation of the record-holder on video. The sequence of actions is clearly visible, as well as its test. It was the latter that was recorded by a competent jury as a world record.

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