Follows the owner and brings water - a new robot dog from Chinese designers

Follows the owner and brings water - a new robot dog from Chinese designers

10 June 2021, 21:59
A source: ©
The Chinese company Unitree Robotics has developed a robot dog that is trained to follow its owner. An added benefit is carrying small loads.

The robot-dog is made according to the standard design - the four-legged electronic assistant performs the classic set of commands for the animal of the same name - sit, lie down, bring.

The robot weighs 12 kg and is manufactured in three modifications according to the ones presented by the Chinese developers. Two of them are powered by powerful processors and equipped with a set of sensors. This affected the cost of the robot.

When moving, the robot dog overcomes obstacles, moves along the path of the owner and carries a bottle of water. The device is capable of accelerating to 17 km / h. As for the maximum distance, this information is not specified by the developers.

The cost of the robot starts at $ 2700, for enhanced modifications - from $ 3500 and $ 8500, respectively.

Such devices can be used in various fields - medicine, industrial production, sports, research activities.

However, the robot dog is positioned as an auxiliary "creature" for people who want to have a four-legged pet. Such a companion is also suitable for people with disabilities - a robot-dog is programmed to fulfill basic household needs - to move across the road, hold the door, and submit an object.

The device is undergoing final tests, after which the sales on the domestic market will start. As well as most electronic devices as in the section "PCs, laptops, tablets, office equipment".

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