50s America on Cherkasy Street: Lauri Brothers Designs a Pizzeria with Authentic Atmosphere

50s America on Cherkasy Street: Lauri Brothers Designs a Pizzeria with Authentic Atmosphere

11 June 2021, 14:32
A source: © archidea.com.ua
Designers from Lauri Brothers have developed a project for the Cherkasy pizzeria Pizza Bürø. Inspired by 1950s American style.

The decoration of walls, floors and ceilings has become an accent. They decided to modify the textured brickwork. Covered with varnish so that the over-aged plaster would not crumble after finishing work. Gray tiles with imitation of small chips were used for the floor, and the ceilings were “exposed” to concrete and painted with paint.

The designers have chosen warm shades of brown as the main color in the interior. They were supplemented with cognac-colored furniture, embossed partitions and gray chairs.

The highlight of the interior is the wall on which the pizzeria's menu is located. Vintage tiles, lamps, decor.

So that the small room did not look overhanging, it was decided not to cover the ceilings. Deep saturated shades visually camouflaged the imbalance of the room. It also helped refresh the basic gamut of the project.

The result is a loft interior with a touch of practicality and a slight American haze of the 50s.

This is not the first project of the designers of the Lauri Brothers studio. Many Ukrainian cities already have more than one restaurant designed by these specialists. And they took on the Pizza Bürø pizzeria because of a personal acquaintance with the owner.

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