Excess weight is very harmful to health, even with normal tests - doctors

Excess weight is very harmful to health, even with normal tests - doctors

11 June 2021, 14:38
A source: © popmech.ru
Scientists from the UK have found that overweight people, even with normal functional systems, are at risk.

The study involved more than 300 thousand people, who were divided into four groups - unhealthy people without obesity, unhealthy people with obesity, healthy people without obesity and healthy people with obesity. In this case, it was about metabolic health.

Unhealthy obese people did not monitor food and water consumption, they were sedentary. Nevertheless, in metabolically healthy people with obesity, the risk of developing respiratory and chronic diseases exceeded the indicators of the latter by 28% and 17%, respectively.

Scientists noted that people with metabolic obesity cannot be called healthy even with test values ​​within the normal range. They are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And this is even with relatively regular sports.

They added that controlling your weight is useful not only for people suffering from metabolic obesity, but also healthy in terms of these processes. And such a term should be avoided whenever possible, as it is misleading to many.

Physicians traditionally see the solution to overweight problems in increasing daily physical activity, controlling nutrition and water regime, sleep, alternating load and rest.

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