From warehouse to playgrounds - an experimental project of Beijing designers

From warehouse to playgrounds - an experimental project of Beijing designers

15 June 2021, 22:27
A source: ©
Beijing-based WAA has converted the old warehouse into a playground. The play area consists of three locations - chimneys, roofs and embankments.

Each zone is a separate object that is technically linked to the main structure. You can freely move from one location to others through transitions.

A pipe is a network of passages that connect different parts of the site. These are vertical and horizontal tunnels in which you can move while standing, sitting and lying down.

Roofs are used as visual limits. Children climb on them, overcoming obstacles while moving up. Descent from such ascents is no less exciting.

For the embankments, free-flowing mixtures were used, allowing children to create different objects and develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Each of the zones is focused on learning, developing the feelings and sensations of children. They are based on the principles of balance and awareness.

A construction company remodeled a 1970s warehouse that belonged to a medical center. The latter specialized in supporting and developing young children.

The goal of the project was to revive street games, as well as to minimize the use of gadgets by children. To make the site interesting, the WAA took advantage of the concept of a maze, a playing field, and the use of distant corners for learning.

But for any construction work, tools are needed. This is especially true for large objects. In the section "Industrial equipment" there are milling machines, engines, gas water heaters, control and power units.

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