Entering only with a smile: Canon installs new ID cameras in their offices

Entering only with a smile: Canon installs new ID cameras in their offices

18 June 2021, 17:30
A source: © hightech.fm
In the offices of Canon, cameras for identification of employees have appeared, which open access only to smiling people. The innovation is based on artificial intelligence.

The face recognition technology is sharpened in such a way that if the employee does not smile, he will not enter the office. The gap in this case is a face with a radiant smile.

Information about the use of AI to control workflows leaked to the media about a year ago. It became known that corporations in Japan keep track of which programs employees use for work, how much time they spend on their lunch break, whether they have a good rest during lunch, and so on.

Smile recognition technology was announced in 2020. A year later, Canon Information Technology received several applications from large corporations to implement this innovation in office control processes.

These cameras are considered the least secure way of surveillance. Other methods of control are much more strict and do not have such a positive effect on company employees.

It is assumed that similar control technologies will be used for remote work. Fixing the working time that is spent at the computer. This will track the personal performance of each employee.

In order for the technological component to bring only benefit, the choice must be approached as competently as possible. A wide range of goods in the section "Technics", as well as round-the-clock technical support of the OXO website will help to cope with this.
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