Through the cities: real-time communication portals appeared in Poland and Lithuania

Through the cities: real-time communication portals appeared in Poland and Lithuania

19 June 2021, 10:56
A source: ©
An unusual project called "Stargate" appeared in Vilnius and Lublin. The so-called futuristic portals are located at a distance of 606 km from each other. But everyone can look at the streets of another city in real time, simply by approaching the gate closer.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to teleport from one city to another using the portal, but observing the life of people on the other side of the screen is easy.

The creators of the original portal were inspired by the fantastic cinematic universe "Stargate", which includes 3 parts of the film of the same name and several seasons of the series. In the plot of the film, the heroes travel to other planets using an interspace vehicle. The device, which was installed in Poland and Lithuania, looks very much like a prototype from the film.

The device is large enough and has a rounded shape. Built-in cameras not only broadcast the image, but also allow city dwellers to communicate with each other.

The Lublin building is located on the main city square, and in Vilnius - at the Central Station. The project was developed by engineers from the Technical University. Gediminas. It took 5 years to implement it.

“Our gateway creates connections between people. They unite humanity and propose to be above the disagreements and prejudices that are characteristic of society ”- said the creators of the portal.

At the moment, the portal's designers are thinking about how to install similar models in other cities. The developers dream that the gate will bring people all over the world together.

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