Carved wood doors in the interior: luxury and quality

Carved wood doors in the interior: luxury and quality

20 June 2021, 11:02
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Do you want your house to turn into a real palace? Wooden doors with carvings are ideal for this purpose. Such a solution is not only functional and practical, but also gives the design an authenticity. Interior or entrance doors made of wood, made using hand carving, add an exclusive charm to the product.

Wood carving is the oldest craft and is considered part of the culture of many peoples. Doors made using this technology are suitable not only for the interior in the classic style. Our photo selection shows the options for carved doors in a modern design. The products are not only laconic and solid, but also harmoniously combine aesthetics and functionality.

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An excellent solution would be to install wooden doors with an elegant pattern in a country or private house. An instance of natural wood will transform the house so that it will immediately stand out from the neighboring plots. To emphasize the dignity of the house, give preference to models, the design of which is in harmony with the interior style.

It is worth noting that the drawings on the doors are diverse. But the most fashionable today are specimens decorated in natural and historical themes. "Natural" doors look actual in eco-houses or apartments in a rustic style.

Wood carving also looks beautiful on interior doors: sliding, on wheels or double doors.

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Place chains or neat door knockers on the doors. Such decor will give the doors the mystery and romance typical of the Middle Ages.

You can choose a door that will meet your wishes in this section. There are collected 7000 copies that will make the interior unique.

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