Space Perspective will launch people into the stratosphere in a hot air balloon

Space Perspective will launch people into the stratosphere in a hot air balloon

24 June 2021, 21:37
A source: ©
Flights to the stratosphere are initiated by Space Perspective. Early booking was opened for passengers.

The flight will take about 6 hours. Passengers will be able to see the earth against the background of outer space. It is assumed that the ascent into the stratosphere will not cause overloads and will proceed smoothly.

Tourists will rise in a sealed capsule to a height of 30 km by means of a huge balloon. There will be eight passengers and a pilot inside. The cost of one seat starts at $ 125,000.

A spacecraft called "Neptune" will rise with a balloon above the troposphere. So tourists will be able to feel like astronauts and see everything that surrounds the planet.

From a technical point of view, the company has no plans to send people into space. 30 km in height - this level is much lower than accepted by astronauts - the height of the "edge of space".

Commercial flights on the aforementioned ship are scheduled for 2024. The capsule's first test flight, which took place about a week ago, was successful.

The desire to send space tourists to the stratosphere is associated with applications coming in systematically to Space Perspective. Most fans of extreme entertainment want to see the planet with their own eyes, to visit space. The company's experts decided to provide them with such an opportunity.

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