Making a garden path with your own hands is easy if you follow the advice of OXO

Making a garden path with your own hands is easy if you follow the advice of OXO

26 June 2021, 10:02
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Paved garden paths will adorn any suburban area or country house territory. To create one with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. OXO will tell you about all the stages of the process. And you can buy everything you need for this purpose in the section "Garden, vegetable garden".

First of all, you need to prepare tools and materials. You will need: a shovel, sand and fragments of stone slabs. Choose a place for the future trail. The paths that twist slightly look beautiful. Clear the area of ​​debris and stones. Try to level the surface so that there are no sudden changes in ground height.

All slabs must be placed on the ground at the same time. This will give you an immediate idea of ​​what the composition will look like as a whole. And if something does not suit you, then it will not be difficult to rearrange the fragments.

Then, dig vertically with a shovel around the slabs. The thickness of the indentations will correspond to the stone pieces to be installed. Carefully remove the sod along the selected contours using your gardening equipment. But try not to touch unnecessary zones, because the grass around the area to be treated should remain intact.

Remove unnecessary soil from the recess, but in such a way that you can then add a certain amount of sand to the hole. Distribute everything carefully and start paving the path.

This step requires attention to the level of the stone plate. Make sure that the plate does not protrude above the surface of the ground, but also does not "sit down" too deeply. If necessary, dig out an extra layer of soil from under the slab, or vice versa - add sand under it.

The last stage remains. Press the stone slabs into the ground. To do this, just stand on them and the fragments will fall into place under your weight. It remains only to enjoy the work done.
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