A humanoid robot will be able to do somersaults: a new development of scientists

A humanoid robot will be able to do somersaults: a new development of scientists

26 June 2021, 10:07
A source: © popmech.ru
Scientists from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), in an article published in arXiv, talked about a new development: a humanoid robot capable of performing complex acrobatic stunts. The robotic acrobat is equipped with a fall control system and a movement planner. The robot has not yet been tested in real conditions, but preliminary testing is encouraging.
Scientists from all over the world have already tried to create robots capable of performing turns and back flips. But each time they faced a number of problems that, until recently, could not be eliminated. In particular, with a hardware failure. Because of this feature, a voltage drop occurred while driving at an increased speed. Researcher Donghyun Kim managed to eliminate this deficiency. The engineer came up with a new technology, thanks to which the limitations of the dynamics of robots when performing difficult movements are neutralized.

“The main difference between our robot and similar designs is the presence of drives. The technological filling has been improved. The team has already tested four-legged robots equipped with drives. The subjects showed high results, ”said Kim.

Dynamism and efficiency are the main characteristics of the MIT humanoid robot. The development has been tested on realistic simulation devices. The creators believe that creation in the future will be useful in various areas of life. But before releasing the robot to the wide market, scientists plan to test the robot in real conditions. And, if necessary, carry out a number of improvements and bug fixes.

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