Translucent elevators and observation decks - innovations of a super-tall skyscraper in New York

Translucent elevators and observation decks - innovations of a super-tall skyscraper in New York

28 June 2021, 21:42
A source: ©
Translucent lift boxes and observation decks will soon adorn one of the tallest buildings in New York. The authors of the project are architects from Kohn Pedersen Fox.

Visually, these will be glass "boxes" going beyond the boundaries of the skyscraper. The observation deck will also be equipped with glass walls, offering unimaginable views of the city. The project has already received the unspoken name "Levitation".

In total, the area of ​​the "attraction" is slightly more than 6 thousand meters and will be located on 4 levels. It is expected to include a landscaped garden, interactive art objects, recreation and work areas.

The owners of the skyscraper took such a move to please the desires of visitors to shopping and entertainment centers who like to observe the life of New York from above. Enjoy some vanity. It is a kind of interactive experience acquired by every person who finds himself in an elevator or on an observation deck.

The construction of one of the tallest skyscrapers in the city was completed in 2020. This 427-meter building is located near Grand Central Station in downtown Manhattan. It is one of the four tallest towers in New York.

The levitating project is expected to be completed in October 2021.

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