Canadian scientists have developed a system that creates lyrics for instrumental music

Canadian scientists have developed a system that creates lyrics for instrumental music

29 June 2021, 22:30
A source: ©
Canadian scientists have managed to create a system that is able to select texts for instrumental music. And this applies exclusively to live performance.

The essence of the development is the use of artificial intelligence. After loading certain data, the lyrics become consonant with the music. Music is played first and then the system offers text that is comparable to sound files. After that, all the changes made are saved.

The system is based on the transformation of audio files into photographic images of the spectrum. After that, training algorithms are used - they help to create lyrics that match the music. The architecture is based on two variations - the study of sound and text files.

The Canadians wanted to develop a system that was able to create texts that reflect feelings and emotions. Moods displayed across different aspects of the musical scale. Chords used during performance. This also applies to the tempo and timbre of the music.

This is the first time AI has ever been used with lyrics for songs. Previously, researchers in the United States tried to use similar algorithms to compose poems.

There are no such innovations in the OXO site section "Musical Instruments". But if desired, every lover of instrumental music will be able to pick up a musical instrument - guitars, accordions, pianos, violins, etc. You just need to select a lot and place a bet.
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