Lidar and accelerometer - a prototype of an unmanned electric bike

Lidar and accelerometer - a prototype of an unmanned electric bike

13 July 2021, 22:37
A source: ©
The unmanned electric bike was designed by Huawei engineer Zhihui Jun. The prototype appeared in one of the social networks of the author of the project.

The vehicle resembles a regular bicycle. However, it is equipped with a system to maintain balance in all situations. The developer came to the creation of such a bicycle after he himself fell during a bike ride.

The prototype is equipped with a series of sensors that should help the cyclist navigate the traffic-filled road. Moreover, it is filled quite tightly. Among them are an accelerometer, lidar, depth meter, gyroscope.

On the technical side, the device is equipped with two electric motors, one of which is responsible for the steering. It turns out that this opens up the possibilities of unmanned electric bike control for the cyclist.

As for the serial production and subsequent sales, the author of the project stated that his prototype was not intended for this. This pilot development will remain the property of Zhihui Jun and he is not going to sell it.

For the Asian market, the issue of electric transport has been resolved a long time ago. Due to overcrowding, various companies are producing a large number of electric models. Along the way, the environmental problems of the countries are being closed - gas pollution, litter.

Electric bicycles of different models can be purchased in the section of the OXO website "Sports, recreation, leisure, tourism, fishing". They also sell chargers for them and various parts that, if necessary, can be used as "supplies".
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