Mouth shut: scientists presented a slimming devic

Mouth shut: scientists presented a slimming devic

17 July 2021, 11:03
A source: ©
An unusual device that shocked the public was invented by scientists from the UK and New Zealand. Development is a special mechanism that literally closes a person's mouth. DentalSlim is installed on the teeth of a person who wants to lose weight, and does not allow the mouth to open more than 2 mm.

The unusual design drew a wave of criticism due to its resemblance to a "medieval machine". But the developers said that the mechanism was created to help obese people. The gadget does not impede speech and breathing, but helps people in adhering to a liquid diet.

The effectiveness of the device has been tested by a number of studies. 7 people with excess weight took part in the tests. Volunteers with DentalSlim for 14 days ate liquid food, the calorie content of which did not exceed 1200 kcal per day. The average weight loss of the subjects during this period was 6.36 kg.

For the duration of the experiment, the scientists provided the patients with a key designed for emergency unlocking of DentalSlim. In the event of an unforeseen situation (if a person is sick or choked), the device is quickly and easily removed. But none of the participants in the program used the key.

True, one of the volunteers reported that he "cheated" during the study. The man drank sweet soda and drank melted chocolate.

“We are not trying by any means to close a person's mouth. The main task is to help in the formation of new eating habits. It is no secret that it is difficult for a person to lose weight to give up what they have become accustomed to over the years. Our development helps to adhere to strict rules at the initial stage. Then the person adapts and controls the food on his own, ”said the project's chief specialist Paul Brunton.

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