Never Falls: OXO Remembered Thrustcycle Hawaiian Gyrobike

Never Falls: OXO Remembered Thrustcycle Hawaiian Gyrobike

20 July 2021, 23:20
A source: ©
Thrustcycle, a Hawaiian-based company, unveiled its gyro bike a few years ago. Since then, however, no one has surpassed a device that maintains an upright position.

The vehicle was equipped with flywheels that create a gyroscopic effect. It is thanks to this that a constant vertical position is maintained.

According to the developers, such balancing affects the reliability of grip - the indicators increase. It also improves stability in control, which makes it easy and simple to operate.

The device is equipped with an electric power plant. The electric motor allows the gyro bike to accelerate to 120 km / h. And the existing battery provides a range of 130 km. This is more than enough for urban conditions.

The cost of a sustainable motorcycle starts at $ 20,000, despite the fact that it went on sale in 2018.

Fans of extreme driving are showing interest in this kind of devices. Nevertheless, they do not exclude the fact of increased safety while driving at high speeds. The available functionality of the Hawaiian gyro bike will contribute to a comfortable and stable movement.

This was the first experience of a Hawaiian company in developing such vehicles. The manufacturer's immediate plans include the development of a new two-wheeled vehicle, which is positioned as safe gyrobikes.

In the section "Auto, Moto" on OXO you can find not only two-wheeled vehicles, but also spare parts for them.

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