Mercedes will fully switch to electric cars by 2030

Mercedes will fully switch to electric cars by 2030

27 July 2021, 22:56
A source: ©
The German company Mercedes-Benz has decided to switch to electric cars and abandon internal combustion engines. They want to introduce such an initiative by 2030.

Starting in 2025, the entire architecture of the German company's cars will be electric, so that car owners can choose an alternative to mechanics or automatic. However, the transition period will last from 2022 to 2030 and about 40 million euros will be spent on it.

Over the next year, production facilities for the assembly of passenger cars and their components will move to zero-carbon production.

Such an initiative was the result of the European Commission's concept of implementing a climate change plan. Its essence lies in the fact that in 2035 it will be impossible to purchase a vehicle equipped with an internal combustion engine in the EU countries. Probably, the ban on sales will affect hybrid models.

Earlier, other automakers announced similar plans. Among them is the Audi company. Its leadership intends to implement the abandonment of cars with internal combustion engines by 2033. And in 2066, start producing exclusively electric vehicles. However, the last standard vehicle will be unveiled in four years.

In the meantime, the companies are making large-scale changes, on the OXO website in the section Auto, Moto you can find parts for vehicles with internal combustion engines and hybrids - consumables, undercarriage elements, decoration products.
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