Benefits of acupressure and sports dance - new carpet from Studio Osangmin

Benefits of acupressure and sports dance - new carpet from Studio Osangmin

23 August 2021, 21:23
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The carpet with healing functions was developed by the Dutch-Korean studio Studio Osangmin. It is based on the practice of acupressure.

When developing a textile novelty, a symbiosis of acupressure and elements of dance movements was used. It is assumed that the existing bumps woven into the carpet will affect the biologically active points of the feet. Thus, to have an analgesic effect on pain or spasm.

According to the creators of the "healing" carpet, it will be able to reduce high and raise low blood pressure. Help with all sorts of ailments.

And in order to understand how to use this textile "medicine", you should use the help of a special training manual. It contains information of a recommendatory nature: what kind of manipulations can be applied to a particular health problem.

It is noted that there are no contraindications to the use of the carpet. But people with hypertension and hypotension should behave quite carefully with such a coating.

As for preventive measures, such a carpet can even be used in preschool and primary school institutions. In some places, parts of the foot are even visualized, which increases children's interest in preventive exercises.

In the section of the OXO website "Home textiles" there are more than 1.9 thousand lots, including many carpets. Many of them can be adapted to the needs of customers - change the filler, adjust the parameters.

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